A new epic dungeon venue named the Theater of Pain will serve as a non-linear, non-linear dungeon. You can choose which faction WOTLK Gold you want to fight first when you explore the catacombs permitting you to play against the most powerful champions from all four houses. Blizzard has teased that the match will take place during an important game event.

The Maw is larger sandbox, with a loose structure and many more general goals. Everything you do will be within the reach of the Jailer, suggesting it is in the hands of the Jailer at some point.

A new Castle Nathria 10-boss raid as well as Mythic+ dungeons willtesting this month. Legendary runecrafting also is coming and will be accompanied by PvP testing as well as character copies for testing.

Shadowlands is set to be released in 2020. This expansion will cut down the level cap to 60 instead of 120 as a means to speed up game progression. It will also include controller support.

Blizzard's usually announces new products at its annual BlizzCon event, however it was cancelled due to the pandemic. It's usually scheduled for the fall of late the event is scheduled for late fall, which means Shadowlands likely wouldn't be one of the planned events.

There is no information available about the company's first World of Warcraft mobile game. Though it's set in a similar universe of World of Warcraft , it's not clear if the game will be buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold  some kind of RPG or an entirely different type of game. World of Warcraft started as an RTS series, so it's possible that the mobile game may also be returning to the franchise's roots by being an RPG with a focus on strategy.